Monday, September 19, 2011

If you pay mortgage points?

Denver Estate Real

If you pay mortgage points when you get the loan? Many were loans with no points, so it's possible. But, as you may know, you have to pay higher interest on these loans, how to determine in what way is better?

Denver Estate Real

Let us know what to look for a point. There is a fee loan, a lender's another way to make money. The points are sometimes called discount points, because you get to pay a reduced fee. The process is called "buying down" as an expressionInterest rate by paying points, but the simplest definition is that the point is one percent of the loan amount. Two points on a loan of $ 300 000, for example, if two percent or $ 6,000 per bill.

Denver Estate Real

Points or not?

Denver Estate Real

One could say that depends on whether you pay points on your work, your interests, and all the things that predict in a few years. Points are paid up front, while your money is allocated to interest rates in the coming years.To get more benefits if you own the house again, or not to refinance for a long time.

Consider an example. Suppose you borrow $ 250 000 without points, to 6% in 30-year mortgage. The payment would be $ 1,499 per month. Well, if you paid two points or $ 5000, get the interest rate to 5.5%, the payment of $ 255,000 (the points are often included on the loan) would be $ 1,448 per month - an economy of $ 51 per month.

The calculation is simple:almost eight years to save the $ 5,000 paid in points. To do this, divide the cost of points from the monthly savings to determine how many months will repay the costs incurred. If you hold the mortgage for more, may be worth it to pay points. And 'more complex than that, if you want. Investing $ 5000, for example, and you use it every month to pay the extra $ 51 and it will probably take more than eight years.

Avoid complexCalculations. A rough and the instructions simple enough to be seen how unpredictable life anyway. Ask yourself if you are able to keep the loan is eight years - or whatever it is, how long it takes to repay the cost of the points on the loan. But consider not only if they move, but it is likely that during this time, the refinancing. If the two scenarios is more likely to skip steps.

If you still have to buy mortgage points

What is the situation where you have to payMortgage points no matter how long you keep the loan? If your offer on a house is a clause that the seller is obligated to pay the loan because of the points. Get estimates and expected a little 'for this - it's worth it.

Let's say that your offer stated. "Seller to pay up to $ 5,000 of buyers closing costs, including mortgage points" Determine which no loan costs the seller will pay (ask your dealer to help with this). Say what up to $ 2,000 in total,and suppose you borrow $ 200 000. In this case, it would pay up to 1.5 percentage points to "reduce" the rate of interest. This mortgage would cost $ 3,000 points, the seller would be paid at the time of booking, with another $ 2000 in costs. Remember, the seller is on the hook for a maximum of $ 5,000. If you do not pay points, then make a gift of $ 3,000. And 'in the contract, after all.

If you pay mortgage points?

Denver Estate Real

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