Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Small is beautiful

Denver Estate Real

Although the average family size is larger, it is refreshing to the conscious evolution of small houses, which make some people to see. Because with the limited space is a reduced impact on the environment and reducing energy costs. If the house is well equipped with features designed for the living, as they say, is simple. And there is also a small company home!

Denver Estate Real

Enter people like Jay Shafer built small company Tumbleweed House, which houses between 65and 774 square feet. Its houses are carefully designed to maximize every square foot. They have a small kitchen, and until his election to three bedrooms and two bathrooms, according to the plan.

Denver Estate Real

A major bonus of Shafer homes is heating costs. Heated with propane, his house, a smaller model will cost $ 170 per year for heating, and this is in Iowa, where winters are winters. In addition, we need a smaller home less maintenance. Everything is smaller and therefore theThe amount of work to be done is less: less dust, less empty.

Denver Estate Real

The biggest challenge is to reduce your things to be able to fit into a small space. But this is not a spiritual lesson here? Not like other prophets, we have our possessions, we have to? There are certain simplicity to have less, we should all be considered. And in a small house, there is certainly no room for unused or underused, stuff.

However, if a permanent reductionis more than you can bear, or simply too many children or animals, making it convenient for these large pension houses, vacation rentals or temporary building for something big. Or, if your adult children refuse to leave the house, maybe you can use a keyword in the little house company President Johnson, Greg, who lives in a house designed by Jay Shafer, Tumbleweed, and a few small houses on your property , your children and to give a little 'of private space. Johnsonis in his father's estate, and shares his father's sacrifice for his bathroom, to have more space.

Another thing that can hold a little 'more economical and environmentally friendly, using recycled materials. Dee Williams, who built his house designs are based on Shafer recovered a door of a dumpster and an old wooden floor boards of a house that was damaged by fire. But far away, like garbage, give it saved their home quaintcharacter even more and give you a little story to tell.

Small is beautiful

Denver Estate Real

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