Friday, December 16, 2011

Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion Explained and Exemplified

Denver Estate Real


Denver Estate Real

There is a clear-cut difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. One is legally acceptable and the other is an offense. Unfortunately however many consultants even in this country do not understand the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Most of the planning aspects that have been suggested by these consultants often fall into the category of tax evasion (which is illegal) and so tends to put clients into a risky situation and also diminish the value of tax planning.

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This may be one of the prime reasons where clients have lost faith in tax planning consultants as most of them have often suggested dubious systems which are clearly under the category of tax evasion.

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In this chapter I provide some examples and case studies (including legal cases) of how tax evasion (often suggested by consultants purporting to be specialists in tax planning) is undertaken not only in this country but in many parts of the world. It is true that many people do not like to pay their hard-earned money to the government. However doing this in an illegal manner such as by tax evasion is not the answer. Good tax planning involves tax avoidance or the reduction of the tax incidence. If this is done properly it can save substantial amounts of money in a legally acceptable way. This chapter also highlights some practical examples and case studies (including legal) of tax avoidance.

Why Governments Need Your Taxes (Basic Economic Arguments)

Income tax the biggest source of government funds today in most countries is a comparatively recent invention, probably because the notion of annual income is itself a modern concept. Governments preferred to tax things that were easy to measure and on which it was thus easy to calculate the liability. This is why early taxes concentrated on tangible items such as land and property, physical goods, commodities and ships, as well as things such as the number of windows or fireplaces in a building. In the 20th century, particularly the second half, governments around the world took a growing share of their country's national income in tax, mainly to pay for increasingly more expensive defense efforts and for a modern welfare state. Indirect tax on consumption, such as value-added tax, has become increasingly important as direct taxation on income and wealth has become increasingly unpopular. But big differences among countries remain. One is the overall level of tax. For example, in United States tax revenue amounts to around one-third of its GDP (gross domestic product), whereas in Sweden it is closer to half.

Others are the preferred methods of collecting it (direct versus indirect), the rates at which it is levied and the definition of the tax base to which these rates are applied. Countries have different attitudes to progressive and regressive taxation. There are also big differences in the way responsibility for taxation is divided among different levels of government. Arguably according to the discipline of economics any tax is a bad tax. But public goods and other government activities have to be paid for somehow, and economists often have strong views on which methods of taxation are more or less efficient. Most economists agree that the best tax is one that has as little impact as possible on people's decisions about whether to undertake a productive economic activity. High rates of tax on labour may discourage people from working, and so result in lower tax revenue than there would be if the tax rate were lower, an idea captured in the Laffer curve in economics theory.

Certainly, the marginal rate of tax may have a bigger effect on incentives than the overall tax burden. Land tax is regarded as the most efficient by some economists and tax on expenditure by others, as it does all the taking after the wealth creation is done. Some economists favor a neutral tax system that does not influence the sorts of economic activities that take place. Others favor using tax, and tax breaks, to guide economic activity in ways they favor, such as to minimize pollution and to increase the attractiveness of employing people rather than capital. Some economists argue that the tax system should be characterized by both horizontal equity and vertical equity, because this is fair, and because when the tax system is fair people may find it harder to justify tax evasion or avoidance.

However, who ultimately pays (the tax incidence) may be different from who is initially charged, if that person can pass it on, say by adding the tax to the price he charges for his output. Taxes on companies, for example, are always paid in the end by humans, be they workers, customers or shareholders. You should note that taxation and its role in economics is a very wide subject and this book does not address the issues of taxation and economics but rather tax planning to improve your economic position. However if you are interested in understanding the role of taxation in economics you should consult a good book on economics which often talks about the impact of different types of taxation on the economic activities of a nation of society.

Tax Avoidance and Evasion

Tax avoidance can be summed as doing everything possible within the law to reduce your tax bill. Learned Hand, an American judge, once said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible as nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands. On the other hand tax evasion can be defined as paying less tax than you are legally obliged to. There may be a thin line between the two, but as Denis Healey, a former British chancellor, once put it, "The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall." The courts recognize the fact that no taxpayer is obliged to arrange his/her affairs so as to maximize the tax the government receives. Individuals and businesses are entitled to take all lawful steps to minimize their taxes.

A taxpayer may lawfully arrange her affairs to minimize taxes by such steps as deferring income from one year to the next. It is lawful to take all available tax deductions. It is also lawful to avoid taxes by making charitable contributions. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is a crime. Tax evasion typically involves failing to report income, or improperly claiming deductions that are not authorized. Examples of tax evasion include such actions as when a contractor "forgets" to report the LKR 1, 000,000 cash he receives for building a pool, or when a business owner tries to deduct LKR 1, 000,000 of personal expenses from his business taxes, or when a person falsely claims she made charitable contributions, or significantly overestimates the value of property donated to charity.

Similarly, if an estate is worth LKR 5,000,000 and the executor files a false tax return, improperly omitting property and claiming the estate is only worth LKR 100,000, thus owing much less in taxes. Tax evasion has an impact on our tax system. It causes a significant loss of revenue to the community that could be used for funding improvements in health, education, and other government programs. Tax evasion also allows some businesses to gain an unfair advantage in a competitive market and some individuals to not meet their tax obligations. As a result, the burden of tax not paid by those who choose to evade tax falls on other law abiding taxpayers.

Examples of tax evasion are: ï?~ Failing to declare assessable income ï?~ Claiming deductions for expenses that were not incurred or are not legally deductible ï?~ Claiming input credits for goods that Value Added Tax (VAT)has not been paid on ï?~ Failing to pay the PAYE (pay as you earn a form of with holding tax)installments that have been deducted from a payment, for example tax taken out of a worker's wages ï?~ Failing to lodge tax returns in an attempt to avoid payment. The following are some signs that a person or business may be evading tax: ï?~ Not being registered for VAT despite clearly exceeding the threshold ï?~ Not charging VAT at the correct rate ï?~ Not wanting to issue a receipt ï?~ Providing false invoices ï?~ Using a false business name, address, or taxpayers identification number (TIN) and VAT registration number ï?~ Keeping two sets of accounts, and ï?~ Not providing staff with payment summaries

Legal Aspects of Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion Two general points can be made about tax avoidance and evasion. First, tax avoidance or evasion occurs across the tax spectrum and is not peculiar to any tax type such as import taxes, stamp duties, VAT, PAYE and income tax. Secondly, legislation that addresses avoidance or evasion must necessarily be imprecise. No prescriptive set of rules exists for determining when a particular arrangement amounts to tax avoidance or evasion. This lack of precision creates uncertainty and adds to compliance costs both to the Department of Inland Revenue and the tax payer.

Definitions of Tax Mitigation Avoidance and Evasion It is impossible to express a precise test as to whether taxpayers have avoided, evaded or merely mitigated their tax obligations. As Baragwanath J said in Miller v CIR; McDougall v CIR: What is legitimate 'mitigation'(meaning avoidance) and what is illegitimate 'avoidance'(meaning evasion) is in the end to be decided by the Commissioner, the Taxation Review Authority and ultimately the courts, as a matter of judgment. Please note in the above statement the words are precisely as stated in judgment. However there is a mix-up of words which have been clarified by the words in the brackets by me. Tax Mitigation (Avoidance by Planning) Taxpayers are entitled to mitigate their liability to tax and will not be vulnerable to the general anti-avoidance rules in a statute. A description of tax mitigation was given by Lord Templeman in CIR v Challenge Corporate Ltd: Income tax is mitigated by a taxpayer who reduces his income or incurs expenditure in circumstances which reduce his assessable income or entitle him to reduction in his tax liability.

Tax mitigation is, therefore, behavior which, without amounting to tax avoidance (by planning), serves to attract less liability than otherwise might have arisen. Tax Avoidance Tax evasion, as Lord Templeman has pointed out, is not mere mitigation. The term is described directly or indirectly by ï?~ Altering the incidence of any income tax ï?~ Relieving any person from liability to pay income tax ï?~ Avoiding, reducing or postponing any liability to income tax On an excessively literal interpretation, this approach could conceivably apply to mere mitigation, for example, to an individual's decision not to work overtime, because the additional income would attract a higher rate of tax. However, a better way of approaching tax avoidance is to regard it as an arrangement that, unlike mitigation, yields results that Parliament did not intend.

In Challenge Corporation Ltd v CIR, Cooke J described the effect of the general anti-avoidance rules in these terms: [It] nullifies against the Commissioner for income tax purposes any arrangement to the extent that it has a purpose or effect of tax avoidance, unless that purpose or effect is merely incidental. Where an arrangement is void the Commissioner is given power to adjust the assessable income of any person affected by it, so as to counteract any tax advantage obtained by that person. Woodhouse J commented on the breadth of the general anti-avoidance rule in the Challenge Corporation case, noting that Parliament had taken: The deliberate decision that because the problem of definition in this elusive field cannot be met by expressly spelling out a series of detailed specifications in the statute itself, the interstices must be left for attention by the judges.

Tax Evasion Mitigation and avoidance are concepts concerned with whether or not a tax liability has arisen. With evasion, the starting point is always that a liability has arisen. The question is whether that liability has been illegitimately, even criminally been left unsatisfied. In CIR v Challenge Corporation Ltd, Lord Templeman said: Evasion occurs when the Commissioner is not informed of all the facts relevant to an assessment of tax. Innocent evasion may lead to a re-assessment. Fraudulent evasion may lead to a criminal prosecution as well as re-assessment.

The elements which can attract the criminal label to evasion were elaborated by Dickson J in Denver Chemical Manufacturing v Commissioner of Taxation (New South Wales): An intention to withhold information lest the Commissioner should consider the taxpayer liable to a greater extent than the taxpayer is prepared to concede, is conduct which if the result is to avoid tax would justify finding evasion. Not all evasion is fraudulent. It becomes fraudulent if it involves a deliberate attempt to cheat the revenue. On the other hand, evasion may exist, but may not be fraudulent, if it is the result of a genuine mistake. In order to prove the offence of evasion, the Commissioner must show intent to evade by the taxpayer. As with other offences, this intent may be inferred from the circumstances of the particular case. Tax avoidance and tax mitigation are mutually exclusive. Tax avoidance and tax evasion are not: They may both arise out of the same situation. For example, a taxpayer files a tax return based on the effectiveness of a transaction which is known to be void against the Commissioner as a tax avoidance arrangement.

A senior United Kingdom tax official recently referred to this issue: If an 'avoidance' scheme relies on misrepresentation, deception and concealment of the full facts, then avoidance is a misnomer; the scheme would be more accurately described as fraud, and would fall to be dealt with as such. Where fraud is involved, it cannot be re-characterized as avoidance by cloaking the behavior with artificial structures, contrived transactions and esoteric arguments as to how the tax law should be applied to the structures and transactions. Tax Avoidance in a Policy Framework We now turn from the existing legal framework in the context of income tax to a possible policy framework for considering issues relating to tax avoidance generally. The questions considered relevant to a policy analysis of tax avoidance are: What is tax avoidance? Under what conditions is tax avoidance possible? When is tax avoidance a 'policy problem? What is a sensible policy response to tax avoidance?

What is the value of, and what are the limitations of, general anti-avoidance rules? The first two questions are discussed below What is Tax Avoidance? Finance literature may offer some guidance to what is meant by tax avoidance in its definition of 'arbitrage'. Arbitrage is a means of profiting from a mismatch in prices. An example is finding and exploiting price differences between New Zealand and Australia in shares in the same listed company. A real value can be found in such arbitrage activity, since it spreads information about prices. Demand for the low-priced goods increases and demand for the high-priced goods decreases, ensuring that goods and resources are put to their best use. Tax arbitrage is, therefore, a form of tax planning. It is an activity directed towards the reduction of tax. It is this concept of tax arbitrage that seems to constitute generally accepted notions of what is tax avoidance. Activities such as giving money to charity or investing in tax-preferred sectors, would not fall into this definition of tax arbitrage, and thus would not be tax avoidance even if the action were motivated by tax considerations. It has been noted that financial arbitrage can have a useful economic function. The same may be true of tax arbitrage, presuming that differences in taxation are deliberate government policy furthering economic efficiency.

It is possible that tax arbitrage directs resources into activities with low tax rates, as intended by government policy. It is also likely to ensure that investors in tax-preferred areas are those who can benefit most from the tax concessions, namely, those facing the highest marginal tax rates. If government policy objectives are better achieved, tax arbitrage is in accordance with the government's policy intent. Tax avoidance, then, can be viewed as a form of tax arbitrage that is contrary to legislative or policy intent. What Makes Tax Avoidance Possible? The basic ingredients of tax arbitrage are the notion of arbitrage, and the possibilities of profiting from differentials that the notion of arbitrage implies. This definition leads to the view that three conditions need to be present for tax avoidance to exist. A difference in the effective marginal tax rates on economic income is required. For arbitrage to exist, there must be a price differential and, in tax arbitrage, this is a tax differential. Such tax differences can arise because of a variable rate structure, such as a progressive rate scale, or rate differences applying to different taxpayers, such as tax-exempt bodies or tax loss companies.

Alternatively it can arise because the tax base is less than comprehensive, for example, because not all economic income is subject to income tax.

o An ability to exploit the difference in tax by converting high-tax activity into low-tax activity is required. If there are differences in tax rates, but no ability to move from high to low-tax, no arbitrage is possible.
o Even if these two conditions are met, this does not make tax arbitrage and avoidance possible. The tax system may mix high and low-rate taxpayers. The high-rate taxpayer may be able to divert income to a low-rate taxpayer or convert highly-taxed income into a lowly-taxed form. But this is pointless unless the high-rate taxpayer can be recompensed in a lowly-taxed form for diverting or converting his or her income into a low-tax category. The income must come back in a low-tax form. The benefit must also exceed the transaction costs. This is the third necessary condition for tax arbitrage.
o Since all tax systems have tax bases (The thing or amount to which a tax rate applies.

To collect income tax, for example, you need a meaningful definition of income. Definitions of the tax base can vary enormously, over time and among countries, especially when tax breaks are taken into account. As a result, a country with a comparatively high tax rate may not have a high tax burden (Total tax paid in a period as a proportion of total income in that period. It can refer to personal, corporate or national income. ) if it has a more narrowly defined tax base than other countries. In recent years, the political unpopularity of high tax rates has lead many governments to lower rates and at the same time broaden the tax base, often leaving the tax burden unchanged. )that are less than comprehensive because of the impossibility of defining and measuring all economic income, tax arbitrage and avoidance is inherent in tax systems. Examples of Tax Arbitrage/Avoidance The simplest form of arbitrage involves a family unit or a single taxpayer. If that family unit or taxpayer faces differences in tax rates (condition 1 above), and condition 2 above applies, then the third condition automatically holds.

This conclusion follows because people can always compensate themselves for converting or diverting income to a low tax rate. An example of such simple tax arbitrage involving a family unit is income splitting through, for example, the use of family trust. An example of simple tax arbitrage involving a single taxpayer is a straddle whereby a dealer in financial assets brings forward losses on, say shares, and defers gains while retaining an economic interest in the shares through use of options. Transfer pricing and thin capitalization practices through which non-residents minimize their tax liabilities are more sophisticated examples of the same principles. Multi-party arbitrage is more complex; the complexity is made necessary by the need to meet condition 3 above, that is, to ensure a net gain accrues to the high-rate taxpayer. In the simpler cases of multi-party income tax arbitrage, this process normally involves a tax-exempt (or tax-loss or tax-haven) entity and a taxpaying entity. Income is diverted to the tax-exempt entity and expenses are diverted to the taxpaying entity. Finally, the taxpaying entity is compensated for diverting income and assuming expenses by receiving non-taxable income or a non-taxable benefit, such as a capital gain.

Over the years many have indulged in numerous examples of such tax arbitrage using elements in the legislation at the time. Examples are finance leasing, non-recourse lending, tax-haven(a country or designated zone that has low or no taxes, or highly secretive banks and often a warm climate and sandy beaches, which make it attractive to foreigners bent on tax avoidance and evasion ) 'investments' and redeemable preference shares. Low-tax policies pursued by some countries in the hope of attracting international businesses and capital is called tax competition which can provide a rich ground for arbitrage. Economists usually favour competition in any form. But some say that tax competition is often a beggar-thy-neighbor policy, which can reduce another country's tax base, or force it to change its mix of taxes, or stop it taxing in the way it would like.

Economists who favour tax competition often cite a 1956 article by Charles Tiebout (1924-68) entitled "A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures". In it he argued that, faced with a choice of different combinations of tax and government services, taxpayers will choose to locate where they get closest to the mixture they want. Variations in tax rates among different countries are good, because they give taxpayers more choice and thus more chance of being satisfied. This also puts pressure on governments to be efficient. Thus measures to harmonize taxes are a bad idea. There is at least one big caveat to this theory. Tiebout assumed, crucially, that taxpayers are highly mobile and able to move to wherever their preferred combination of taxes and benefits is on offer.

Tax competition may make it harder to redistribute from rich to poor through the tax system by allowing the rich to move to where taxes are not redistributive. Tactics Used by Tax Evaders Moonlighting Tax evasion at its simplest level merely involves staying out of the tax system altogether. The Revenue deploys small teams of volunteer officers to carry out surveillance to track down moonlighters. Early success was followed up by the deployment of compliance officers in virtually every tax office. Revenue Investigation Officers routinely scan advertisements in local newspapers or shop windows and even before the advent of the modern personal computer they frequently had access to reverse telephone directories to track down moonlighters from bare telephone number details. They also study bank and other financial institutions deposit and loans databases, customs records, and star class hotel bookings for private functions and ceremonies to identify rich individuals who maybe evading taxes.

Non Extractive Fraud Alternatively it can arise because the tax base is less than comprehensive, for example, because not all economic income is subject to income tax. ï?~ An ability to exploit the difference in tax by converting high-tax activity into low-tax activity is required. If there are differences in tax rates, but no ability to move from high to low-tax, no arbitrage is possible. ï?~ Even if these two conditions are met, this does not make tax arbitrage and avoidance possible. The tax system may mix high and low-rate taxpayers. The high-rate taxpayer may be able to divert income to a low-rate taxpayer or convert highly-taxed income into a lowly-taxed form. But this is pointless unless the high-rate taxpayer can be recompensed in a lowly-taxed form for diverting or converting his or her income into a low-tax category. The income must come back in a low-tax form. The benefit must also exceed the transaction costs. This is the third necessary condition for tax arbitrage. Since all tax systems have bases that are less than comprehensive because of the impossibility of defining and measuring all economic income, tax arbitrage and avoidance is inherent in tax systems. This involves profit switches or timing differences, for example:

o Post dating Receipts
o Ante dating Expenditure
o Hidden Reserves
o Incorrect accounting of transactions such as showing an income as a payable.
o Stock manipulation Perhaps the most common place method seen in practice is the manipulation of stock to produce the desired "profit".

It is not unknown for the evaders' Accountant to be involved - putting at risk the livelihood and, if the amount involved is significant, personal liberty! The most blatant case of this kind is where the Accountant virtually treated this as year end tax planning. Based upon the formal disclosures made by the evader under the Hansard procedure to the Inland Revenue (in which he implicated the Accountant and in connection with an account in a false name also his Bank Manager), the following scene can be recreated: "Studying the draft accounts the Accountant did a quick calculation to work out what range of figures could be used for closing stock in hand without giving rise to suspicion. He then apparently discussed with the client the impact on net profit of reducing Closing Stock.

Arrangements were then made for the audit to take place and in the meantime some stock was moved off site! "The Accountant and Bank Manager who assisted the evader are both guilty of conspiracy to defraud - it matters not that they made no financial gain themselves. Extractive Fraud This might take the form of Suppressed receipts or inflated outgoings: Suppressed Receipts Typically these involve defected mainstream takings and often an undisclosed bank account. However the more resourceful evader may take advantage of special arrangements or unexpected receipts: Where the proprietor or director personally deals with some customers it may be possible for cheques to be made out in a manner which facilitates diversion. Alternatively cheque substitution may be used, such that the otherwise "off record sale" cheque is banked and an equivalent amount of "on record cash" is extracted.

It is not unknown for late cash payment of credit sales to bypass the bookkeeping system with the debt subsequently being written off as bad. Unexpected receipts always present a good opportunity for deflection. For example:

1. Scrap sales
2. Insurance or bad debt recoveries
3. Refunds, rebates or discounts
4. Returned goods sold for cash, disposal of fully written down assets and windfalls in general.

The evader may take advantage of a new business opportunity, which remains hidden, and off record. Examples of this seen in practice include:

1. the dentist with three practices of which only two were discloses
2. the off record sale of hitherto obsolete car parts to the burgeoning classic car market Inflated Purchases & Expenses Where the ability to deflect receipts is too difficult the evader might draw cash from the business bank account and disguise such withdrawals as some form of legitimate business expense. In practice this often involves the use of "ghost" employees or fictitious outgoings to cover such extractions. Fictitious outgoings have to employ the use of false invoices. These might take the form of altered invoices, photocopied or even scanned "blanked" versions of genuine invoices, completely bogus invoices or even blank invoices supplied by an associate.

Another approach seen in practice involved the use of a seemingly unconnected off shore company to raise invoices for fictitious services. To hide the true ownership of the off shore company the evader uses a "black hole" trust to hold the shares. Essentially this involved a compliant non-resident trustee and "dummy" settler - the trustee providing "stooge" directors as part of the arrangements.

Employment Tax Evasion Schemes Employment tax evasion schemes can take a variety of forms. Some of the more prevalent methods of evasion include pyramiding, employee leasing, paying employees in cash, filing false payroll tax returns or failing to file payroll tax returns. Pyramiding "Pyramiding" of employment taxes is a fraudulent practice where a business withholds taxes from its employees but intentionally fails to remit them to the relevant departments. Businesses involved in pyramiding frequently file for bankruptcy to discharge the liabilities accrued and then start a new business under a different name and begin a new scheme. Employment Leasing Employee leasing is another legal business practice, which is sometimes subject to abuse.

Employee leasing is the practice of contracting with outside businesses to handle all administrative, personnel, and payroll concerns for employees. In some instances, employee-leasing companies fail to pay over to the authorities any portion of the collected employment taxes. These taxes are often spent by the owners on business or personal expenses. Often the company dissolves, leaving millions in employment taxes unpaid. Paying Employees in Cash Paying employees in whole or partially in cash is a common method of evading income and employment taxes resulting in lost tax revenue to the government and the loss or reduction of future social benefits. Filing False Payroll Tax Returns or Failing to File Payroll Tax Returns Preparing false payroll tax returns understating the amount of wages on which taxes are owed, or failing to file employment tax returns are methods commonly used to evade employment taxes. Payments of Benefits These include free benefits such as personal entertainment, excessive allowances for foreign travel, provision of educational schemes (foreign education) to only preferred employees, car and driver paid by company etc are simple examples.


I hope that I have made clear the difference between doing things right and legitimately and in a fraudulent manner. Whether you are a taxpayer or a consultant it is important to make sure that you understand the nuances of good tax planning. Whilst it is understood that tax planning is becoming more difficult and there is only a thin line between what is right and wrong it obviously requires the expert to do the needful. However be careful not to be tricked by those who claim to be experts in tax planning when they are mere computational experts.

Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion Explained and Exemplified

Denver Estate Real

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Real Estate Market: The Arizona Advantage

Denver Estate Real

The globalization of real estate has opened up many avenues for investors, institutions, investment funds and high net worth individuals. The development of private property ownership, real estate has become a major area of business. Buying and selling real estate requires significant amount of knowledge and investment. Each parcel of land has its unique set of characteristics, so the real estate industry has evolved into several different fields. The price or market value of real estate, although generally tends to increase over time, is highly volatile and erratic.

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Arizona has evolved as one of the fastest-growing, most dynamic economies in the nation. Both fortune 500 and start-up technology companies call Arizona home, reaping the advantages of a competitive business climate and tax structure; a skilled, knowledge-based workforce; and world-class innovation, cultural and scenic resources. This is great news for investors in Arizona real estate because they can just about have their pick among the type of Arizona real estate in which they would like to invest.

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The Arizona real estate market is growing in the sale of both single-family homes and condos. The condominium market tends to be a bit riskier for investing because there are fewer condo sales than there are single-family home sales. On the other hand, investors who would rather receive their payback in monthly rental income rather than in one large lump sum often prefer condo investments.

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In the last decade, there has been a huge influx of people moving into Arizona. More people means greater demand for housing. Naturally, real estate investors are seeing a great future ahead. Investors who seek single-family home investments for Arizona real estate will usually have an advantage. That's because these investors will likely receive a higher gain from buying houses, touching them up to increase their market value, and then reselling them at a later date.

Many economists have been predicting for the past year that the real estate market in major Arizona cities is about to burst. However, despite that, Arizona real estate has continued to grow. And the history of Arizona real estate has shown that it is better to buy now and sell later rather than to wait and see before jumping in the investment game. It is the consultant's opinion that future growth in Arizona will largely follow established development patterns and will be guided by existing development regulations. With a few exceptions, it is generally believed that recent development trends will be a reasonable predictor of future development over the coming years.

Most people deal with an estate agent while buying or selling property. Arizona is home to many prospering real estate agencies. They provide many useful services and work with you in different ways. Real estate agents usually offer other optional services such as arranging mortgages and surveys. Since the median home price in the major cities in Arizona is rising right now, it is best to hold Arizona real estate for one or two more quarters before selling in order to receive maximum gain.

Real Estate Market: The Arizona Advantage

Denver Estate Real

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Real Estate Prospecting Tips - How to Motivate Yourself

Denver Estate Real

Real estate prospecting is a highly essential factor in building up your real estate brokerage business. However, so many agents commit simple mistakes that take them away from making the prospecting that will have them get paid and earn the amounts of money they wish to make every year. There are some real estate prospecting tips that you must consider and follow to be successful in your real estate business.

Denver Estate Real

You can take a phone survey. Select a topic that is probably to be of pursuit to your prospects - how the contemporary economy is influencing the neighborhood or the influence of recent school reformation. Then offer to e-mail the results of the survey. Probably, you might have an exigent list of e-mail marketing. Before you find out the phone marketing, know about the anti-solicitation laws of your state. Surveys are not illegal under the national do-not-call laws; however, at the same time, you cannot discuss or sell your services to individuals over the phone. Maintain the call purely to research.

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When you make a call to introduce yourself, inquire if the individual is busy. If yes, just ask for a commodious time to call again.

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Include a memorandum field to your contacts database to add personal and pertinent data about prospects. For example, a big promotion, children going to college, or planned retirement in two years.

You should study the language utilized in FSBO Ads and adjust your marketing demonstration to meet the form of each prospect.

You must motivate yourself to prospect by establishing a deal to pay a fellow member a day on a daily basis.

Always have a smile when you pick the phone up. After picking the phone, say some wishing words. Some people say, the mere act of smiling subtly makes fine distinctions to your voice and manner and influences you more comprehensible.

When you are arranging a listing appointment, make sure that you are talking to the decision maker.

You must hand address your letters. It maximizes the likelihood that the individuals will open them. Mailing numerous letters to hand address is difficult take. Therefore, you can select a computer font that appears like handwriting.

You must contact your best prospects first on the off chance you run out of time.

You should develop the list of your e-mails by sponsoring a periodic online contest. You can tell the interested prospects that they can enter via email and you should notify them in the same way. You must offer better prizes such as useful electronic equipments or dinner for two at a popular restaurant.

You can ask your prospects for a short appointment reciprocally for your tips on how to widen the value of their home.

Real Estate Prospecting Tips - How to Motivate Yourself

Denver Estate Real

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To Make Money As A Real Estate Bird Dog

Denver Estate Real

There are many ways to make money with Real Estate. In my opinion, one of the easiest ways to make money with in thsi business is becoming a Real Estate Bird Dog. Stop before you rush out the door! You'll still have to work at it. However, many of us believe it's far easier with fewer headaches than many other techniques.

Denver Estate Real

What is a Real Estate Bird Dog?

Denver Estate Real

A Real Estate Bird Dog is a person, or in some cases a company, who locates investment property for Investors.

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Why would Investors pay for a service like this? Simple. Many Investors are business people who are busy making money. They don't have time to hunt down good deals in major real estate markets. This is where you into play.

What do I have to do?

The most important thing to know to become a successful bird dog is know your local market. To do this, bird dogs seek out relationships with real estate brokers, agents, bankers, lenders and anyone else who may have knowledge of a good investment.

In most markets, the bird dog will be a person who already works in the real estate field, for example a Agent or perhaps an assistant to a Real Estate Agent. However, I know Bird Dogs who do nothing other than find investment deals for investors.

How do you make money with this?

Normally once a bird dog finds several investments or investment leads, they then present them to the investor. When/if they buy the investment, the real estate bird dog is paid a service fee which is typically a percentage of the price of the investment or it could be a flat fee, it depends on the bird dog.

What are the advantages?

One advantage is that once you hand the property off to the investor, you job is done. You don't have to worry about setting up financing, inspections or any other of the headaches that can come with investing in real estate.

How much can a real estate bird dog expect to make?

Obviously it depends on what percentage of the deal you decide your time and effort is worth, but some command as high as a 10% finders fee. I've heard of higher fees, but most that I'm aware of run in the 3 to 6% range.

Are there any disadvantages?

Well, for one, in some states, if you find real property for an investor and then charge a fee, they feel you need a real estate license. Check with the State you live in before going into this.

Whatever you do, get everything in writing. At the worse case, you'll have to take a few nighttime classes and get your real estate license. There are worse things to do! At the least, you'll just have to start networking with the industry in your market to get in on the ground floor of becoming a real estate bird dog.

How To Make Money As A Real Estate Bird Dog

Denver Estate Real

Monday, December 12, 2011

Should I Get Pre-Approved Before Looking for a Home?

Denver Estate Real

In today's housing market, more and more people are having a difficult time finding financing for their home. Banks have tightened their lending standards, forcing even those with good credit to scramble in order to secure their twenty percent down payment for their new property. Most importantly, sellers are becoming reluctant to deal with any potential buyers unless they are pre-qualified for a loan.

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Getting pre-qualified for a loan is not a difficult process. It's not as time consuming as filling out the actual loan paperwork. What it does, though, is allows the bank to run through your credit history to see if any disqualifying events exist. Also, it allows the bank to see how much income you have versus your current debt load.

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Once these two criteria have been satisfied to the banks satisfaction, the lending institution will typically tell you how much of a loan you pre-qualify for. Then, as you begin looking for a new home, you can keep this figure in mind to help you guide your selection process.

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Most importantly, when you find a home for an amount which you pre-qualify, you can use your pre-qualification status as a negotiation tool! Sellers who see that you are pre-qualified are much more likely to enter into meaningful negotiations when they know your loan approval is not in jeopardy. In today's market, many sellers have been taken to the edge of a sale, only to have the buyers back out when they couldn't get a loan. Imagine the frustration...

Take the time to get pre-qualified today! It only takes about an hour, and it will save you time and money throughout your real estate sales process.

Good luck!

Should I Get Pre-Approved Before Looking for a Home?

Denver Estate Real

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Denver's Real Estate Market

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It's no secret that the housing market has taken a dive in the U.S. While we can hope that we've seen the worst, only time will tell exactly how and when the market will fully recover. Luckily, for the citizens of Denver, things are beginning to look up, as one recent study has shown.

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According to the Denver MLS, September 2011 showed a 12.5% increase over last September's residential closings as well as a 28.4% decrease in active listings. The average sold price of residential homes is still down, and saw a 3.4% decrease since last year. While this may not be great news for homeowners, it's great for potential buyers.

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Foreclosures in Colorado's metro countries have also take a steep dive since last year according to the Colorado Division of Real Estate. The fourth quarter is starting off to a good start with a 23.2% decrease in foreclosure filings from last October. Beyond just the filings, foreclosures sales have also decreased 28.3% since last October, which is very promising for homeowners.

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These numbers are continued successes from earlier 2011 data. In fact March saw a 44% increase in home and condo sales in the Metro area according to Metrolist. Denver is seeing steady improvement. While the numbers are nowhere near the pre-crash real estate market, a stable appreciation of home values is more than welcomed.

The real estate market is also seeing growth in the commercial sector, as the Metro Denver office market vacancy rate fell just slightly from 13.8% to 13.5% from the second to the third quarter. Industrial market vacancies saw another small improvement, dropping from 6.4% to 6.1% during the same timeframe. As with the residential market, the commercial market improvement (no matter how small) is warmly welcomed.

The decreased commercial vacancies bring more good news in the form of jobs. According to the Denver Economic Development Corporation businesses increased hiring in January and February, which added 5,200 jobs to the Denver area. Denver is still building, and a variety of projects are beginning despite the slow economy. Some of these projects include the Denver Crime Lab, the Children's Hospital Broomfield and a transit development along the light rail line.

It seems that Denver is looking up in the real estate industry. If you're looking for Denver CO homes for sale, now is the time to take advantage of the market.

Denver's Real Estate Market

Denver Estate Real

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Income From Residential Investment Properties

Denver Estate Real

The current real estate market has created an increase in the number of people that are purchasing residential real estate properties for investment purposes. If they are purchased and managed properly, these properties can provide a source of income or a chance to build equity over time.

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The difference between commercial properties and residential properties is that someone will be living in the residential home. That will mean that you are the landlord and as such need to keep the property in a good and livable condition. As maintenance issues come up you will need to address them promptly.

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That alone can deter some from taking on the landlord responsibility, but there are options for those that just don't want to manage the property. Property management companies will rent out and ensure maintenance on your investment when a vacancy or problem presents itself.

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Maintaining an additional property can sometimes seem like a hassle or big financial responsibility. Take a moment to think about the benefits of keeping a rental home in good repair. If your home is run down in disrepair no one will want to live there. That means no rental income to cover that mortgage payment. Another reason for keeping the maintenance on the home up to date is that when you go to sell the property a well maintained home will return a better profit from appreciation.

With a rental home you need to be prepared for the commitment and be dedicated to your responsibilities as owner and landlord. It will take an investment of your time and in some cases personal capital to have a property that generates revenue. In the best case scenario the rental income will return a profit, but should minimally cover the homes maintenance.

When it comes to rental properties there are a couple types of income. Those are appreciation and yield. They appreciation you realize when you sell the home for more than you paid for it. The yield is your annual rental income. These concepts usually work inversely. That means that a property that has higher yield will generally have a smaller appreciation and vice-versa. The best situation would be a balanced approach to achieving moderation with each.

When you are considering a residential investment property the first step in the process is getting comfortable with the landlord responsibilities and the next step is obtaining financing. Ideally you will have assets available for a down payment, but if not there are programs available for that scenario also.

Financing a residential purchase has differences from a commercial real estate loan. With a residential property you are not usually expecting a profit on the scale of a commercial real estate deal. The residential mortgage terms are typically longer term which will allow you more payment, term and interest options. Many investors that already own a home will secure a home equity loan that helps them with the down payment on the investment property.

Residential property investors can turn a good profit on properties. It really depends on the time, capital and effort that you put into it. The residential investor that manages these aspects of the investment well will see the chances for success increase.

Income From Residential Investment Properties

Denver Estate Real

Friday, December 9, 2011

Understanding Real Estate Loans

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When you start shopping for real estate loans, you will probably be overwhelmed by the immense variety of mortgage loans offered. While this gives you the opportunity to choose exactly the type of loan that will be the best for you, it can also get extremely confusing. The three most popular types of real estate loans or mortgages are: Amortized Loans (AL), Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) and Hybrid Loans.

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Amortized Loan (AL)

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If you take the amortized loan (also known as a level-payment fully amortizing fixed-rate loan), you will pay equal monthly installments for its entire duration. The installments consist partly of principal and partly of interest - the proportions between them shift gradually from interest to principal, but the monthly sum you have to pay stays exactly the same. This kind of loan is very predictable and thus safe for the borrower, but because it lacks flexibility, the interest rates are usually a little higher when compared to adjustable rate mortgages.

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Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)

Adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) is the most popular type of real estate loan. Just as in the case of the amortized loan, you will pay a monthly installment that consists of both principal and the interest. Your installment amount, however, may go up or down because the interest rate changes through the term of the loan, depending on the changes of index rate(s) it is tied to. The most popular index rates are the prime rate, LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), COFI (11th District Cost of Funds Index) as well as various Treasury Bill and Certificate of Deposit rates. To add some safety, most ARM rates have both annual and lifetime caps. These caps limit the amount interest rates can exceed yearly and during the entire life of the loan. Some adjustable rate mortgages offer reduced initial payments, but that's not the rule.

Hybrid Loan

Hybrid loans earned their name from the fact that they can be converted from amortized to adjustable rate loans and vice versa, depending on your decision. This adds a lot to the safety, as in the case of a market crash you can convert your ARM into a fixed rate loan or do just the opposite in the time of prosperity. Unfortunately nothing is perfect: most of the time hybrid real estate loans have either higher than usual interest rates or they can be converted only if certain conditions are met. Some of the conditions that need to be met include: an initial period of three years or longer (during that time the loan can't be converted), the current interest rate amount and/or the need to pay an additional fee for converting your loan.

The choice between these three types of real estate loans depends mostly on your preference and comfort level. If you want stability and you are able to pay extra for it, go for the amortized loan. If you want to pay as little as possible and you want to risk a little, apply for the ARM or hybrid loan. Just remember to check the annual and lifetime caps or you may find yourself in trouble at some point during the life of the mortgage.

Understanding Real Estate Loans

Denver Estate Real

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Real Estate Confidentiality Agreements - Are They Necessary?

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Every once in awhile celebrities would like to keep certain things secret from other people. Sure, there are times when they want and need to be known, such as when they're publicizing a movie, TV show, or new CD. Other times, such as where they live, they'd love to be able to have a slice of privacy if they could.

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This begs the question about whether a celebrity needs a confidentiality agreement or not when it comes to purchasing real estate. Truthfully, there's not really a good answer for this because it's the wrong question. The correct question is whether a celebrity can get a confidentiality agreement when it comes to real estate purchases.

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The initial answer off the cuff is "no". The more complicated answer is "it depends." Let's explore both of these.

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Residential real estate, when we're talking about buying and selling homes, is an open disclosure industry. Every person has the right to go through both local and state records to learn anything about any house and who the homeowners are. In every community across the country, when homes are bought and sold the listings are posted in the newspaper. The name of the buyer is listed; the names of the sellers aren't always listed, though the names will be in the local and state records. So, in this instance, there is no confidentiality agreement to even consider.

Now, if a celebrity is looking to buy property with the intention of building a home, suddenly the rules change. Strangely enough, buying property is often considered as more of a business purchase than a personal purchase, and therefore it's easier to disguise yourself if that's your intention. In this instance, a celebrity who's looking for some privacy can get a confidentiality agreement by hiring someone to act as a broker on their behalf to acquire the property.

And one other thing is at play here. Though once a home is purchased the buyer's name will be disclosed, before a home is purchased the buyer can actually have a confidentiality agreement with a broker, who becomes the person searching for the home. A celebrity might fear that someone might increase the price of a house if they know a famous person is interested in buying it, or might spread the word around the neighborhood that someone well known is a potential buyer. Some celebrities would rather keep that private, and in that case having a confidentiality agreement works well.

Real Estate Confidentiality Agreements - Are They Necessary?

Denver Estate Real

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Howard Stern is Hot in Real Estate

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Howard Stern has over 20 property related files in Queens, 27 in Brooklyn and 1 in Manhattan. The files include mortgages, releases or satisfaction pieces, liens and powers of attorney.

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One 11 page mortgage was recorded on 9-23-04 for a two family dwelling, located at 243 51st Street, Brooklyn in the amount of 0,000. Another property transaction for 845 Dean Street, Brooklyn was recorded on 5-25-04 in the amount of 0,000 at an unbelievable 14% interest rate considering rates were at a fourty year low. The senior mortgagee (holder) is Howard Stern and the junior holder is New Way Realty Corp. Better known, in my opinion, as loan shark one and two. If you think that's scary, you should read the actual 10 page document.

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This information and other similar types are available to you for free. You just have to know how to get it by a name, address, parcel number, even street intersections. It is easily accessable.

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You can find out about divorces, liens, marriages, wills, transfers, judgements, deeds, releases and many fascinating things such as hundreds of years old documents in beautiful handwriting and language together with a wax seal. This is one way people or mortgage companies buy loans from each other, usually not even alerting the borrower until after the fact.

Howard Stern is Hot in Real Estate

Denver Estate Real

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Real Estate Will Come Back

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Do not believe in the real estate crisis. You are able to create your own reality; and if you believe, you can make some business -- you will.

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You have heard the news, do not keep all your eggs in one basket, have an alternate source of income. This is for all the licensed people looking for a way to capitalize on their real estate license: you can be a referral agent, working with a broker, all you need is to find leads. You can use real estate as a second income, while keeping your career.

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Don't wait until you start seeing the success stories of Realtors that did not believe in the crisis and kept working without looking back, the time to act is now. For the non realtors reading this article I explain in more detail in my website why is important to use a Realtor in your real estate transaction, my suggestion is that if you are looking to buy, the timing is great, make sure to use the knowledge and skills of a Realtor to make sure your real estate transaction will close as fast as possible and that all your rights are protected.

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Education will always be the way. It is so easy to get information at our age. Using a Realtor will help find the right home. He or she will also assist you in the negotiation part, which is my favorite part of the purchase. You will be free to continue doing what you like to do, living a normal and stress free life, while the Realtor is doing the leg work for you.

And if you are looking for a luxury condo in the most charming areas of the city, using the services of a Realtor will make a huge difference in the process. It is very easy to pay more in a luxury condo, but a Realtor will be able to provide you the most recent closings in the area, and will help you to use that information as support to your purchase offer.

Buying a home is a very important decision, and a very important step in your life, let a Realtor help you all on this journey.

Real Estate Will Come Back

Denver Estate Real

Affording A Home In California

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The California home market is one of the most expensive in the nation. California is home to twenty of the top twenty-one most expensive areas in which to buy a home. However, with good planning and money management skills, you can afford to own your own home in this exciting and beautiful state.

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First, you need to realistically plan out a budget that you can stick to. Make sure to include money for unexpected bills, entertainment costs, and repair costs into your budget. This way, you will be able to avoid getting a mortgage payment that is more than you can afford.

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Secondly, shop around, and be open to different neighborhoods. Look into bank foreclosure sales, and if you are skilled at home repairs, don't be afraid to buy a home that needs a few things fixed. Minor home repairs can save you thousands of dollars at closing time, and if you are able to make the repairs yourself, the savings are even greater. This can help you afford a better mortgage.

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Shop around for the best lender for your mortgage. Many times you can find terrific interest rates when you do a little research. Be prepared to buy with a reasonable down payment, and remember that the more money you can put down at closing time, the better interest rate you will end up with in the end.

Finally, don't rush into a decision. Buying a home is an important decision that will be with you for years to come. Make sure it's a decision you can live with happily.

Affording A Home In California

Denver Estate Real

Monday, December 5, 2011

Colorado Springs Real Estate - Black Forest Homes

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Find your dream house property in the Colorado Springs real estate area of the Black Forest. This part of the Colorado Springs real estate area is located in northern El Paso County. The Black Forest is a rural area that is situated on approximately 200,000 acres of land. The area is heavily wooded with mostly Ponderosa Pine trees. Black Forest is a mix of older homes and newer homes. The northwestern Black Forest real estate area includes: High Forest Ranch established 2001-2004, Walden established 1965-2002, Hawk Ridge established 1994-2000, Wissler Ranch established 1996-1999, and Elk Creek Ranch established 1980-1993.

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Home Prices & Descriptions

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Many of the homes for sale in the Black Forest real estate area are 5 acre house properties. There are mostly ranch style homes and 2 story homes. Some of the homes are custom homes and reflect "country style" living and some of the homes resemble houses that blend into "city living". Many of these Colorado Springs real estate subdivisions include features such as: multiple decks and fireplaces, slate floors, barns and garages, granite counters, and theater rooms.

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The minimum sales price for homes in 2008 in the Black Forest is 5,000. The minimum size Black Forest home for sale is 3,408 finished square feet. The minimum home for sale is 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, and a 3 car garage. The average sales price in 2008 is 0,000 and is 4,527 finished square feet. The average size home for sale is 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, and a 4 car garage. The maximum sales price in this Colorado Springs real estate area is 5,000 and is 5,646 finished square feet. The maximum size home for sale is 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, and a 5 car garage.

One of the newer communities in the Black Forest real estate area is the prestigious High Forest Ranch. The Ranch has rustic custom homes for sale. There are close to 20 different custom builders to choose from. Some of the homes in this Colorado Springs real estate area are situated on 2.5-5 acres of land. Residents in the High Forest Ranch area have community lodge at their disposal for those special occasions. The custom homes for sale in this Colorado Springs real estate area range from 9,900-.5 million. Amenities for some of the homes include: multiple fireplaces, slab granite counter tops, vaulted ceilings, great rooms, family room, master retreats, theater rooms, billiard rooms, wine rooms, travertine flooring, outdoor covered decks, and wet bars. Many of the Colorado Springs homes for sale in this area have extensive timber and stone features.

The Walden real estate area has beautiful custom ranch style homes with lots between approximately 1/2 acre and 1 acre in size. Many of the homes have stucco exteriors and resemble more of a "city look." Some of these Colorado Springs real estate neighborhoods include: custom cabinets, molding and trim, granite slab kitchen counter tops, hardwood floors, multiple fireplaces, 5 piece master baths, vaulted great room, stucco exteriors, perennial gardens, offices, recreation rooms, game area, formal dining rooms, wood decks with hot tub, walk-out rancher, and gourmet kitchens. Homes for sale in this Colorado Springs real estate area range from the high 0,000s to just under 0,000.

In the privacy of the pines is the prominent Hawk Ridge real estate area. Hawk Ridge has homes for sale on approximately 2.5 acres or less. Many of the homes are custom homes with features like: hardwood floors, walls of windows, multiple fireplaces, French doors, granite kitchen islands, custom cabinets, hand crafted banisters, ponds, walk-out dining area, and large decks. The homes for sale in the Hawk Ridge community range from the approximately the mid 0,000s to 1.3 million dollars. This part of the Colorado Springs real estate area borders the Black Forest area.

The Wissler Ranch homes for sale range from the mid 0,000s to 0,000. Some of the homes have luxurious living and family rooms, huge open kitchens, spacious master suites, home theaters, wine cellars, exercise rooms, recreation rooms, and 5 piece master baths. Many of the homes are on approximate 3 acre lots. Some of the homes are gorgeous cottage style houses with old world charm. The homes for sale in this Colorado Springs real estate area range from the mid 0,000s to the mid 0,000s. The Wissler Ranch community also borders the Black Forest area.

There are some homes for sale in the Elk Creek community in the low 0,000s. The homes are located in meadows and in the woods. Most of the homes are on five acre lots and are zoned for horses. Some of the homes have beautiful mountain views and some are located in the meadows and have natural streams running through the properties. Many of the homes include barns, storage sheds, fences for horses, RV parking. There are custom homes in this community. Find your perfect dream horse property in this Colorado Springs real estate area. Amenities include: vaulted/beamed ceilings, large kitchens, fireplaces, skylights, multiple decks, oversized garages, and covered stalls.


The schools of attendance are: Lewis Palmer Elementary School, Ray E. Kilmer Elementary School, Lewis Palmer Middle School, Creekside Middle School, and Lewis Palmer High School. The schools are part of the Lewis Palmer School District 38 boundary area.

Neighboring Communities.

The Southwestern portion of the Black Forest is located to the south and contains the Black Forest Regional Park. The Black Forest extends to the east. The Kings Deer, Canterbury, Fox Run, and Cherry Creek Crossing subdivisions are situated to the west.


The northwestern Colorado Springs real estate area of Black Forest is located near Highway 83 and County Line Road. It is convenient for commuting to Colorado Springs and Denver. This part of the Air Force Academy real estate area is located approximately 30 minutes or 22 miles from the USAFA main gate and is a possible Colorado Springs military relocation choice.


The High Forest Ranch community has miles of hiking trails and open space. It is close to the Tri-lakes real estate area. Three lakes and multiple golf courses are located in the Tri-lakes area. Shopping is close by in Monument, Castle Rock, Denver and Colorado Springs real estate locations.

Colorado Springs Real Estate - Black Forest Homes

Denver Estate Real

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Colorado Real Estate Schools

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When we speak of Colorado, what usually comes to our minds is a wide stretch of mountain ranges - so beautifully located in the Rocky Mountain region in the United States. It's also the eighth in size among the 50 states. Aside from its mountainous place, don't you know that we have a number of Colorado real estate schools as well in this huge state? People who are interested in getting a real estate license would normally go to Colorado and enroll in one of the schools offering such course.

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It has been known that Colorado has the highest pass rate for 2007. Students who took their courses in any Colorado real estate schools normally get high chances for passing the licensure exams, even with testimonials attesting that more than 90% pass their broker exam on their 1st attempt. This only shows that education programs in Colorado are one of the best. Kaplan Professional Schools, one of Colorado real estate schools, is Colorado's number 1 real estate school, with a reputation of over 45 years of experience in providing the best licensing, exam preparation and continuing education programs for the Colorado real estate community. Most of their classrooms can be found in Denver and Colorado Springs. These Colorado real estate schools offer the same amount of teaching expertise to its students. They are also internationally recognized and strategies taught to the students are indeed very helpful.

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The MacIntosh Real Estate School is also one of the Colorado real estate schools providing the same level promising success in passing the real estate licensure exams. They have trained thousands of successful real estate agents in Colorado with their very much developed teaching methods and techniques. They are always adept to the changes in the real estate world thus making it easy for them to teach its students giving them tips which are very useful in passing the exams. Aside from the usual way of going to school, MacIntosh Real Estate School offers the convenience of studying from home. You can work at your own pace without being bounded to conform to someone else's classroom schedules. You get one-on-one attention because you get to interact with the instructor via email. Another Colorado real estate school is the Colorado Real Estate at ProSchools. It's also a premier real estate license school with over 50 years of experience thus proving authority on the subject.

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Real estate schools in Colorado have gained their reputation through years of experience. Many licensed real estate agents as well have attested to their skill and competence. Indeed, Colorado real estate schools has earned their title. Thousands of people would prefer taking their courses at these schools - indeed getting their money's worth!

Colorado Real Estate Schools

Denver Estate Real

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Get Started in the Real Estate Game Fixing and Flipping Houses

Denver Estate Real

If you're looking to get started investing in real estate by fixing and flipping houses, you'll want to know what to type of property to buy. Many real estate investors make millions turning ugly houses into dollhouses. On the other hand, some inexperienced investors lose money buying houses that just don't turn a profit.

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Three Tips to Help You Find the Perfect Fixer

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1. Learn Your Market

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Your first task, exploring your market, helps you know a bargain house when you see one. Look at houses for sale in your area. Keep track of sales and how long the houses take to sell. Ask about the terms of these sales because this helps you understand how sellers market their property. For instance, if a seller paid closing costs for the buyer, did the price rise from the listed price accordingly? Or, did the seller come down on the price and pay the buyer's costs, too. Examine the sales that sell quickly. What home features and financing options prompted the fast sale?

Also, look at model homes. Buyer often chose resale homes because they can't wait for a new home to be finished. But, these buyers like the amenities found in newer homes. When you transform your fixer, you'll know what buyers desire and you'll make informed makeover choices.

2. Know When "Bad" Can Be Good

When you first start out in your real estate "fixer" enterprise, you'll want to look for houses needing only cosmetic work. Look for houses that just need cleaning up, painting, and new flooring. Don't be afraid of stinky houses that show horribly; look for fixers with peeling paint, holes in the wall, stained carpeting, and trash in the yard. Remember, these houses won't look good to most buyers, but that other investors see them as gold mines. You need to use your imagination when viewing these homes. Try to visualize the finished product.

3. Know When "Ugly" Means "Pass"

If the house has cat urine staining the carpet, the subflooring or concrete foundation may need replacing. Dog urine cleans up easier. If the walls have too many cracks and bumps, you may need to hang new sheet rock or hire a professional plaster refinisher. Look for signs of plumbing problems such as water stains under sinks and loose flooring.

When you're new to real estate investing, always remember your limitations. Use caution when considering houses needing structural repairs. Some rehabbers replace walls, plumbing, structural beams, sub-flooring, and electrical systems, but they acquired those skills after years of experience or pay a professional.

If you find a house with structural problems, get estimates from reliable contractors to do the work. Experience teaches you how to do more over time. Until then, rely on experienced contractors to do the repairs. Take professional estimates into account before deciding whether or not to purchase an investment property.

Why would anyone want to do this? How much does the average investor make? In Philadelphia, real estate investors only make offers on houses they expect to make ,000 on. In Southern California, many investors make ,000 to 0,000 on each house.

Summary: You can make a fortune fixing ugly houses. Learn your market. Know when "ugly" means bad that can be good, and when stinky means pass.

Copyright (c) 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.

How to Get Started in the Real Estate Game Fixing and Flipping Houses

Denver Estate Real

Friday, December 2, 2011

What You Should Know Before Relocating To The Midwest

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Sometimes people move because they are tired of their surroundings. Other times, their relocations are based on their own work or the work of a spouse. Regardless of your reason for moving, there are a lot of things to consider before settling in to your new destination. If you are headed for the Midwest, and you have previously lived in the south or on one of the coasts, you are in for a few surprises. Some of the changes will be pleasant, like the lower cost of living and the affordability of real estate. While homes for sale might be pricey, many of the suburban areas or small cities in the Midwest are much more affordable. If you must live near the Windy City, consider purchasing one of the more affordable IL homes for sale.

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One of the toughest things to accept when relocating to the Midwest is the weather. Some winters are comparable or easier to handle than other parts of the country, but when the Midwest does get hit with a harsh winter, it is bad. The other thing to consider is that people react differently to snowstorms in the Midwest than elsewhere. The philosophy on the East Coast is to keep everyone indoors while the plows and emergency vehicles to their work. In the Midwest, the philosophy is to mock convention and just go about things as normal, even with the plows trying to work. The result is chaos and dysfunction. If you are used to dealing with weather by letting the professionals do their jobs, winter will take some getting used to in the Midwest.

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No matter where you go you will need to adjust to new traditions and customs, which is often one of the best parts of relocating. People use different words to describe different items and they eat different food and enjoy different activities. If you want to fit in when moving to a new location, do your best to blend the customs you grew up with and some of the new customs from your new home.

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Remember that where you learned to drive will affect your driving style, which means relocating will leave you adjusting to new driving mannerisms. Sometimes it is a matter of law and you will need to learn the legal ways of doing things in your new home. An example of this might be u-turns or turning right on red lights. Some states permit it and others do not. Other instances, it is a matter of interpretation. For instance, to some, merge means to adjust to the flow of traffic and find a way to fit into a space, but other drivers think merge means to barrel into the traffic flow at any speed you please. Know what to expect before hitting the highway.

Finally, familiarize yourself with the environment. Make an effort to get out and socialize so you can make new friends. If you are not moving because of work, be sure there are plenty of employment options before moving. With a little effort, you can build a successful life in a new town.

What You Should Know Before Relocating To The Midwest

Denver Estate Real

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Buying a Home in Foreclosure - The Basics for Buyers

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Turn on CNN or pick up the Wall Street Journal any day this week, and you are bound to see a story about the number of home foreclosures taking place in the United States right now.

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While it is always sad to see people lose their home due to foreclosure (especially so many people), it also represents investment opportunity for home buyers. In fact, buying a foreclosed home often means that you can get the property for less than market value. Upon hearing this, most people immediately want to know how it's possible. Here's how it works.

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Buying Foreclosures Can be a Good Investment

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The first thing you'll notice above is that I said buying a home in foreclosure "can" be a good investment, suggesting the possibility (but not the certainty) of getting a good deal on a home. This is what attracts people to the practice of buying foreclosures in the first place, the possibility of getting a home for less than market value.

Some people use this practice as a way to purchase the home they intend to live in. Other buy foreclosure homes for a living, turning them around for a profit and moving on to the next deal. Regardless of which camp you fall into, there are certain things you need to know about buying a home in foreclosure before you venture out to do so.

Why It's a Good Investment

Foreclosure is an expensive process for the lending institution. Lenders are good at making loans -- it's what they do. But they're not so good at managing and marketing foreclosed homes. On top of that, many foreclosure properties need maintenance and/or repairs, which adds even more costs that the lender must pay.

Bearing this in mind, it's easy to see why most lenders want to avoid the foreclosure process as much as the homeowner wants to avoid it. And when they do take possession of a home, they want to sell it off as quickly as possible. Typically, this is done through a real estate auction. Many homes sold at auction start out below market value. And unless inexperienced bidders drive the price up at auction, the buyer often comes away with a great purchase -- at or near "wholesale" price instead of market value.

So the real estate auction is one way to purchased a foreclosed home, but it's not the only way. In some cases, the homeowner will avoid foreclosure by selling the home through a "short sale." In this scenario, the lender allows the homeowner to sell the home for less than the amount owed to the lender. Pricing a home this way will normally ensure a quick sale, which is what both the homeowner and the lender want.

The longer the lender keeps the non-performing loan (a mortgage that is not being paid by the homeowner), the more money they lose. That's why they are usually eager to get the loan off their books quickly, and it's also why lenders sometimes agree to short sale techniques to begin with.

So now we have talked about two ways the savvy investor / buyer can get a foreclosed property on the cheap - through a real estate auction, or through the short sale process. Combine this with the number of foreclosure assets on the market right now, and you can begin to see why this is such a hot topic among real estate investors right now.

Buying a Home in Foreclosure - The Basics for Buyers

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